Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tanyard Creek Give Away!

We hope you're enjoying our new line of fabric as much as we are!  The Tanyard Creek line is so versatile and can be used for so many different projects.  It's time to GIVE some of it AWAY!  The winner will receive a bundle of 6 fat quarters AND a free Hospitality pattern!  Each comment enters you in our random drawing.  The contest runs through Monday (11/16) night and the winner will be chosen randomly!

Post your comment on:
Who has been your biggest influence as a quilter?

One entry per blogger ~ International winners will pay shipping ~ Anonymous entries not entered


  1. The answer for me is the gals at Little Quilts. They are always helpful and very knowledgeable of what is going on in the store and what fabrics will go with whatever fabric you ask about. I am always proud to say that Little Quilts is the quilt store I shop at all the time.

  2. I would have to say that the biggest influence would be the ladies at our weekly sit and sew. They have all been very helpful and encouraging. They are always willing to answer my questions and show me new techniques. I am a new quilter and I have learned a lot from them.

  3. My grandma was my biggest influence. While the quilts she made weren't really very spectacular, she DID instill in me a love of sewing and creating and using my hands for all things.

  4. Sin dudas mi madre, cuando compró un libro pequeñito del año 57, y me lo dejo por ahi.
    Hice un pequeño almohadon, mucho tiempo despues,claro,cuando volvi a verlo entre sus cosas y desde alli mi amor al patchwork.

  5. I guess I would say Bonnie Hunter. Her scrap quilts are so wonderful - and her instructions make even a 2000+ piece quilt seem manageable. The only problem is that I want to make them all!

  6. To begin with my friend Jan. She is the one who introduced me to quilting with her personal enthusiasm from the get go. She continues to inspire me with her discipline to "finish" things and use them. She incorporates her stitcheries into quilts and is very supportive of all I do.

  7. Diana2:19 AM

    The first influence was my NY friend who helped me muddle through and peice a log cabin quilt for my daughter in 1990, now it is the ladies in my tuesday night quit group.

  8. Gwen Marston
    I love making traditional patterns and quilts inspired by antique quilts. Gwen's books taught me to let go of the perfectionistic side of me and continue making the quilt even if everything isn't lined up perfectly!
    She taught me that when we look at antique quilts we look at the beauty of the quilt , when we look at our own quilts we need to see the same and not the points that aren't perfect, or on 4 block appliqué all 4 blocks are Not all the same exact placement, the quilt is still beautiful. Her influence in my quiltmaking taught me not to be so hard on myself and to enjoy the process.

  9. Jenny Vogelaar6:47 AM

    The answer for me is my friend Maud.She makes such beautiful quilts in her own style. I call it the Maudriaan style.She can make from ugly fabric a quilt which everyone wants to have and to copy.I learn from her quilts that your quilt doesn't need to be difficult and perfect to be a real eye-catcher!

  10. Joann--I met Joann at our church when she started a little group to make christening quilts. She is such a great teacher. When Katrina came through, she moved to Oklahoma--and we still keep in touch!

  11. In general, my greatest influence has been 'other quilters.' That said, it breaks down to first, my mother-in-law got me started because losing her sight, she needed assistance finishing quilts for her two grandchildren. Second, it is the ladies in two groups with which I stitch. One group hand quilts on our own projects, giving each other hints & encouragement. The other group makes baby & children quilts for a local charity. I've found quilters to be most friendly, helpful, encouraging & sharing.

  12. There isn't one single person for me. It's more a combination. I don't have a lot of quilters (or at least many I know) in my vicinty. I check my favorite designers/shops blogs daily for what they're up to. Its more what the online community of quilters has done and that is my inspiration.

  13. My biggest influence has been Linda and Becky at Piece O'Cake and quilting friends from Bloglandia all around the world :o)

  14. The person who has been the biggest influence for me as a quilter is Pat Wys of Silver Thimble Quilt Company. Her encouragement and joi de vivre at our sewing sessions (Pinheads, Sisters, Thimbles) has helped me grow in my skill and love of quilting. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to take classes and have her mentor me in my journey.

  15. I don´t know,but can say that the biggest influence woulbe my quilter classmates,they are helpful and answer my questions.

  16. Wow, how do you pick one person? I have to give my inspiration credit to all those wonderful teachers who work to pass along the tools of our craft. I have learned something from every quilting teacher I have ever had (even if it was only that I didn't like a particular technique).

  17. Easy question! It would have to be Pat Wys, who taught me everything I know and is such an inspiration.

  18. Sue Cahill1:38 PM

    My greatest influence was a great grandmother I never met. When I was very young, probably 3 or 4, I slept under a quilt she had made. It was a typical 1930's style quilt with appliqued flowers and green bias stems. That quilt fascinated me, each flower was a different fabric. The memory of that quilt has never left me. When my daughter was 2 I saw a pattern for a little 9 patch and appliqued heart quilt. I just had to make that quilt for my daughter so she would have that same experience I had. I have never stopped quilting since.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  19. I would say Bonnie Leman and the staff at "Quilters' Newsletter Magazine" gave me inspiration and confidence to try new things. All the quilt magazines offer tips, patterns and glimpses into the lives of other quilters.

  20. My "Grammy" started it all when I was very youg. Today I display a utilitarian crazy quilt that her mother made entirely from the families clothing. The embriodery stiches are impecable and Grammy used to lay on top of it with me sharing the history of each scrap, such as Ella's blouse, Daddy's work shirt, etc.

  21. I just can't choose one person. Probably the biggest influence for me as a quilter has been American Patchwork and Quilting magazine - I've subscribed to it for years and I love it.

  22. I have always liked to sew. But when I attended a quilt show I liked them so much I joined the quilt quild. The friends I make there were my first influences in quilt making.

  23. I grew up in a family of seamstresses and quilters. When I was 4, my Granny had a big quilt frame that was raised and lowered from the ceiling, does any one remember that kind of frame?
    Then when I married my sweet Larry, his mom sewed everything, literally! She now is a big influence in my life, along with other quilters in my local community quilt class. I think the things we impart to others personally has far out-wayed anything else.

  24. Pam in Indiana8:42 PM

    When I was growing up in Arizona, my babysitter, Mama Wallace, was a quilter and she made me a quilt with fabric from all of my dresses just before she died in 1972 --it was a Jacob's Ladder. I think that is the only pattern she made for all of her grandchildren. I still have it and it reminds me of all my dresses when I was little. She taught me to sew on her electrified Singer treadle. I think that is why I adore my Featherweight because it reminds me so much of sewing on Mama Wallace's Singer. It feels like home! The other person is Eleanor Briggs who befriended me at my first quilt guild meeting when my kids were little back in the early 90s. I was trying to make the Cinnamon Hearts quilt from the Little Quilts book -- and Eleanor took me under her wing and gave me a John James needle ("a proper needle") and showed me how to applique. That was my first quilt and I adore all of my LQ books and patterns! Eleanor died two years ago and I still miss her. I miss my Mama Wallace, too! She was born in Birmingham in 1890. I just wish I lived closer to the Little Quilts store!!! The closest I come is to stay in Marietta on the way home from spring break in Florida! Someday I will actually make it into the shop!

  25. The biggest influence on my quilting have been
    my family. Funny that no one in my family quilts
    but there is always a discussion about who is getting
    the next quilt. When I had to go back to work
    after my first child was born I did not like the idea
    of going back to work. In order to get used to leaving
    my baby I took a quilt class. I would then leave baby
    2 hours for the quilt class. That was the only way I was going to leave him for a few hours with a
    babysitter. Quilting has been with me for a long time.
    It is a comfort in my times of transition.

  26. melody7:28 AM

    Its all of you!! It's the story that goes along with each and every quilt that is made. Whether its for giving comfort or a life event celebration, or used to raise money for charity. I always learn something from each quilter that I meet.

  27. My Mom and my grandmother were a huge influence in liking to sew. but quilting inspiration comes from friends and magazines not to mention Repro Divas and my Favorite quilt shop, Little Quilts.

  28. Anonymous1:41 PM

    My mom has been my biggest influence and teacher! I cant tell you how many times I've called her on my way to LQ!

  29. Well, first and foremost would be my sister. We started quilting together, bought the same sewing machine and encouraged each other through the "Beginner" stage even though we live 500 miles apart. When we're able to get together, it's sew, sew, sew!!

  30. My friend, Kathy, and her mother, Dorothy, introduced me in a bigger way to the world of quilting. They had made many and been involved in it for so long & they encouraged and inspired me. It helped that the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show was only 45 minutes from where we lived, so we could go there every year. In the last few years, I have discovered that my husband's grandmother made some quilts and that my own grandmother was a seamstress in Italy before she came to America. What a legacy I am blessed with!!

  31. My grandma had the greatest influence on me. We worked on a lot of crafts together and she seemed to have unlimited patience! It is unfortunate that she passed away before I really got into quilting but I know that she would be thrilled.

  32. I guess that would be my Thimble sisters and Pat Wys. I love getting together and sharing the time sewing. Lots of good tips and beautiful quilts to look at.

  33. Laura Nagy7:18 PM

    I'd have to say the Thimbles and Pat Wys. I love our time sewing together.
