Friday, March 01, 2013

PREPARE TO BE AMAZED: Show and Tell Finale of Second Saturday Sampler 2012

Debbie finished her 12” blocks with the Garden Maze setting and everyone loved it.
Jane made the 6 inch blocks and used a star setting and gave them a patriotic flare. Very nice, Jane!
Carol Ann did a fabulous job using Dena’s contemporary setting in our favorite pink and brown colors.

Nicole out did us all. She finished three tops using the 12 inch blocks. Her traditional block was set with a setting called General’s Daughter ( a star in a star ) setting with a what is termed a piano keys border. The black and tan sure makes a striking quilt! She was inspired by something she saw on the internet.
Nicole’s second quilt also used the 12 inch block. I believe the green polka dot fabric was a fabric she was given for a challenge and she had to use it in every block. This one has a flying geese border.
Nicole’s third quilt was also made using a different challenge fabric which was a Monet fabric and was also used in every block. Our hats are off to Nicole for a job well done!
Joan wanted a larger quilt so she set her 12 inch blocks on point. This is always a great and easy way to attain a much larger quilt. Her blue sashing is set off with a gold star which she made using the V Block ruler by Studio 180 Designs. Studio 180 Designs have great rulers as well as great laminated instruction sheets for the many ways to use them. Joan loved the technique and her quilt is lovely.
Sharon’s quilt was sashed with a pink and green fabric. Her pattern for the sashing gave the illusion of a smaller square in a square block for the corner stones. Very creative Sharon!
Chris used a brown and blue argyle print to sash her alternate 12 inch blocks. I believe Chris was in the group that had to use a particular fabric as a challenge. It worked!
Jeanette used her challenge fabric which was a fruit print in every alternate block. She chose a burgundy fabric for her setting.
Marliss made the 12 inch traditional blocks and finished with a blue and brown setting fabric. Her setting was inspired by something on the internet. Each block was sashed in the same manner and then she simply rotated them to get the effect she was looking for.
This one you need to see up close and personal! Nancy made her blocks a mere 3 inches finished, yes my friends 3 inches. In the picture they look much larger but they are indeed tiny. She finished her quilt using Dena’s contemporary setting which also had to be scaled down. A magnificent job, Nancy!

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