Bachelor's Puzzle is the block featured while you learn tricks and patchwork techniques in our Patchwork Circle Book Club. We'll meet October 30th. Kit available and class fee includes pattern.

"California Poppies" from the North American Mystery Series held in August. Two different settings with the Bow Tie blocks. Join the fun Saturday, October 4th for our next Mystery in the North Woods in Minnesota. $50 includes class fee and all fabrics for the quilt top. You select your colorway: Lady Slipper in pinks and whites; Prairie Sunset with reds, golds, and purples; or Norway Pines in greens. You'll solve the mystery while you have fun sewing. Of course, there will be goodies to eat, too!

A fun quilt made by Kathy Niemann, our email newsletter editor, with fabrics from a ticking fabrics exchange with friends. It's even backed with a vintage table cloth! Kathy's doing lots of UFOs while working on her "Primitive Garden" quilt with wool applique. There's still time to sign up for that too. Check the website for a picture of this stunning quilt.