Be sure to stop in at Little Quilts to see what has arrived with the Christmas season. There are wonderful ornaments, delightful primitive ones shown above on this particular tree, but there are more! Below and to the left is a wonderful quilt made from the book Positively Pineapple by Possibilities; the book is available in the store for $21.95. To the right is a quilt made from the book A Cozy Quilted Christmas: 17 Projects to Decorate Your Home. The book is available for $28.95; Little Quilts has also gotten kits together for you for $32.95. Little Quilts has just what you need to get in the holiday spirit.

This Little Quilts member of the monthly Wool Works class is showing her wonderful buttonholed wool pennies bedspread:

Isn't it stupendous?

It's amazing how much you can get done while riding in a car if you keep at it! Class members work on various wool projects of their own choosing. This particular wool pennies pattern is from the book Modern Primitive Quilts, which is available in the shop.
This charming book, Mother Earth and her Children (a quilted fairy tale), is also available in the shop (autographed copies) for $17.95. Written more than 100 years ago, this is a hardcover collectible, pass-down-for-generations type of book. It is an imaginative tale about Mother Earth and her children and what they do during each season. The illustrations are from the Houston Best of Show award-winning quilt. Lots to look at and talk about as you read along with a child.