It's Little Quilts' Tenth Anniversary and you are invited to the party! Little Quilts is closed on Sunday, but be sure to stop by on Monday, November 3rd, for the second day of celebration: enjoy free booklets and patterns, demos, door prizes drawn every hour, and everything in the shop (with a very few exceptions) is 10% off!
The Anniversary Celebration Grand Prize is a Basket of 10s: 10 notions, 10 patterns, 10 FQs, and other goodies, value $150.
And there's more! We have a lovely selection of fall and Halloween fabrics that are 40% off:
Did you notice the adorable pincushion cupcakes in the first photo and at the refreshment table at Little Quilts? You may recognize them as being fresh from the Houston Quilt Market oven! The pattern, by Cindy Taylor Oates, is $6.50.