with a brand-new year-long Folk Art Stitchery set from Kathy Schmitz:

Starting Monday, January 7th, the Ring in the New! stitchery patterns will be available. $25 pre-pay for all, pick up once a month. Your kit includes background fabric, card to make the stitchery or frame as is in a 4" X 6" frame (we have the perfect choice for $3.00 each). In the January kit will be a mini version (1" x 1 1/2") of all 12 designs on cardstock that you can cut apart and put in a brass frame that is wearable (available for $5.50 each; see above). The Finishing Kit of the same black fabric as shown in the original (and the background sashing squares) is available for $11.95.

Don't miss a wonderful new class at Little Quilts: Voices of the Past is a new women’s history study club: learn about famous women and the role they played in history. The class includes a pattern for a quilt named in honor of a famous woman, plus smaller quilts and other projects. You’ll learn techniques to make your patchwork easier. Each session will include an interesting visit to the past, perhaps some poetry, other craft, clothing…even food. Read about Little Quilts' Voices of the Past class
here. Here are the class times:
Martha Washington
Fri. Feb. 22, 10am – 12:30pm
Thurs. Feb. 28, 6:30pm – 9pm
Helen Taft
Fri. Apr. 18, 10am – 12:30pm
Tues. Apr. 22, 6:30pm – 9pm
Coming in June: Betsy Ross on Flag Day
**Update: The classes listed above are filling up fast, so an afternoon class may be added. Check with Mary Ellen at Little Quilts (770) 578-6727 or
TheShop@LittleQuilts.com .

Look at this beautiful quilting. It is a detail from one of two quilts in the current Little Quilts trunk show. The quilts are here in the shop for you to see and below is the pattern book for them:

Here is the full-size quilt:

These quilts are made from jelly rolls. Another heavenly quilting detail....

and the full-size view of the second quilt in the trunk show:

See you at Little Quilts!