Monday, December 31, 2012

One of a Kind...

...Please set aside 50 minutes to revel in the hobby you have near and dear to your heart to enjoy this video of the 2012 Quilt Legend of the Year.  You will be blessed to see amazing quilts at the American Quilt Museum, appreciation for Meredith Schroeder, the co-founder of the museum and the publisher (retired) of The American Quilter Magazine.  She is a precious quilt world treasure.

I (Kathy Niemann) have had the honor of working for the magazine and have held my head high because I know Meredith is all about quality and honoring the modern quilter. 
I know the AQS show and the magazine has changed the world of quilting forever.
Little Quilts has been a vendor at the AQS Paducah Quilt Show  for  over 25 years.  Each year is more fantastic than the previous year and we would not think of missing it.  If you have not gone, you must add this show to your "bucket list" and why wait?  2013 show dates are...
April 24 – 27, 2013 and more details are at

The world had "famous quilters" and I am not sure there would be such a thing without Meredith. 
The video also tells the story of the museum.  I hope you will watch it to appreciate the legacy created by it and consider supporting it.   If you are a quilter, you know that the general public does not know what quilting has become. The museum brings high calibre quilts to the quilter and non quilter alike.

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